Ministry at a Polish church in London

Ministry at a Polish church in London

It was quite a new experience(for Shekinah – Russ & Kim have been to Poland 3 times in the 80’s & 90’s) to see the way the Polish culture worships the Lord and their ways and traditions. As far as the difference between Polish church services and American...
Evangelism Seminar in London

Evangelism Seminar in London

The lovely church that is our home church in London has many amazing things and classes going on every day. There are many different churches that meet in the church building along with different meetings held here that teach so many different aspects to the prophetic...
Petra Church – London

Petra Church – London

We had the opportunity to preach at this lovely little church called Petra. It was fairly small in size but the people there had enormous hearts. Before the service started we had a time of prayer and interceding which was incredibly powerful. These beautiful people...
Merry Christmas! 2017

Merry Christmas! 2017

Friends, we want to wish you a very Merry Christmas! 2017 has been an eventful year. We won’t try to rehearse all that has transpired, but a few highlights(and challenges). This year has seen powerful ministry throughout Europe, the UK, and the Philippines, as well is...