It was quite a new experience(for Shekinah – Russ & Kim have been to Poland 3 times in the 80’s & 90’s) to see the way the Polish culture worships the Lord and their ways and traditions. As far as the difference between Polish church services and American church services, they are really quite the same. Although the language might be different, it just goes to show you that people of any culture are still people and deal with the same situations and feelings. The congregation seemed to be thoroughly touched by the testimonies my mom and I shared as well as the powerful sermon my dad preached. We also had the opportunity to pray for many of the lovely ladies and gents there. We prayed for the pastor of the church, who only could utter a few words of English. And through the interpreter I told him the vision God had given to me for him. He grasped his chest as tears started to pour down his face. He glanced up at the sky with his hands raised up praising the Lord. He glanced back at me. and grasping my hands, said “thank you” over and over. Although we couldn’t speak the same language, his eyes non-verbally told me that what the Lord had spoken to me about him truly impacted him. There was this one beautiful lady standing up at the altar to receive prayer. When I came up to her I had a very clear picture the Lord had given me for her. The picture was of a shimmering, shining diamond. When I told her what I had seen, I watched as her eyes starting glistening with tears. In broken English, she told me that her Polish name means diamond. Not only that, but her parents used to call her their little diamond. She held me in a sweet, long hug as the tears trickled down her freckled face. When we pulled apart from the embrace, she gave me one last meaningful look as she said “thank you”. There were many others we prayed for that chilly afternoon who were genuinely touched by what God was speaking to them. My heart is overjoyed to the fullest having the amazing opportunity to visit and speak at this beautiful church. This church will always hold a special place in my heart. So until we meet again.